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Talent Search

Resume Database Access (RDA)

Search from a pool of 75 million+ candidates in India, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. Our candidate search engine decodes your intent, giving you personalised results.

Precision Search

Find relevant profiles only, with advanced search

Powerful Filters

Customise your talent search to suit your needs

Easy Engagement

Connect with short-listed candidates instantly, via e-mail and SMS

Job Posting

Put up job postings that grab eyeballs, so you get to your next hire faster.

Quick Job Posting

Post job openings quickly and efficiently to find your next great hire

Premium Job Posting

Highlight your brand and extend the availability of your open positions

Social Job Ads

Recruiting made easy. Reach millions of active and passive candidates across social media platforms.

Targeted Ads

Run precise job ads on social media platforms and foundit to reach the right candidates

Intelligent Targeting

Effortlessly reach your ideal candidates based solely on job requirements

Quick & Easy Set Up

Get started instantly, without worrying about significant financial investment or preparation time

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